Raccoon steals cat food! If you’re a pet owner, you’re probably no stranger to raccoons entering your property and stealing away your animals’ food. When the raccoon asked you for a can of cat food, you may have been tempted to give it some.
But if a raccoon is around your home, that may be the last thing you want to do. Raccoons are considered one of the most dangerous animals in North America.
They can kill an average-sized dog in under 15 minutes and have been known to attack children and pets with no provocation whatsoever
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Why Does Raccoon Steals Cat Food?
Raccoons steal cat food to take advantage of the fact that cats are mostly unable to defend themselves against large terrestrial predators.
The odds of a raccoon successfully attacking a cat are about 100-to-1.

If a raccoon attacks a cat, it will be less likely to kill the cat than simply trying and running away from the cat. In this scenario, the hungry raccoon will likely be content with only eating part of the food and then leaving.
However, it is more likely that a raccoon will find a less-defended area, such as an open garbage can, to search for food. This is why you want to keep your garbage cans in secure areas to not be easily accessible to wildlife.
How do I stop raccoons From eating my cat’s food? 5 Ways to Prevent
1. First of all, don’t ever feed raccoons.
They may not go hungry for long and will quickly become accustomed to looking for food around your property.
Once this happens, you will constantly be dealing with the issue of a raccoon stealing cat food or other foods that it can find in your garbage cans.
2. Don’t leave any pet food outside overnight, and keep any packages inside until you are ready to use them.
3. Buy the cat food in lightweight packaging so you can easily take it inside at night.
When you are ready to consume the cat food, take it inside immediately.
4. Cover the trash cans with heavy-duty metal grates as this will prevent the raccoon from simply lifting off the lid for a quick snack when no one is looking.
5. Install motion-activated lighting so that hungry raccoons will be scared away from your trash cans and won’t think that the area is a good one to start searching around during their feeding times.
How To A Raccoon Steals Cat Food?
A raccoon is a mammal, and like any other animal on the planet, it has to eat. It’s not hard for these master thieves to steal cat food and other pet food with unlatched lids.
If you find unlatched lids or spilled cat food in your backyard or near your porch, then it’s likely that a raccoon has been visiting your property.
What To Do If A Raccoon Steals Cat Food?
If you suspect that a raccoon has stolen your cat’s food, the best thing you can do is to avoid feeding raccoons in the first place.
If you feed your cat outside of its regular feeding times, it will be more likely for a hungry raccoon to steal any food left out for the cat.
If this happens and you see the animal taking any of your other garbage cans, then there are things you can do to protect yourself and your family.
1. Be sure that people in your family who will be outside for long periods are aware of the dangers a raccoon can present.
2. Keep any dogs on a leash so they are less likely to attack or provoke any dangerous animals they may encounter in their normal activities outside.
3. If you see a raccoon and begin to act aggressively towards you, do not stand near it or try to handle it yourself.
Call animal control immediately so the raccoon can be removed from the area and the threat can be eliminated. There are very few situations where you will want to handle or approach a raccoon independently.
If an aggressive raccoon is acting aggressively, it is better to call animal control or the police to get rid of the dangerous animal and take care of the situation without endangering your safety.
If you are uncertain how to get rid of raccoons from your property, you should look into hiring a professional exterminator. There are several different methods that animal control experts can use to remove raccoons from homes, including trapping, relocation, and removal.
If this is not an option for whatever reason, there are many other household products that you can use on your property to prevent a raccoon from ever returning.
Will Cat Food Hurt A Raccoon?
No, cat food will not hurt a raccoon in any way whatsoever, but that does not mean that it is safe. Raccoons can be very aggressive and take advantage of any situation to steal your pet’s food, so you need to do what you can to protect yourself from them.
If you’re up against a hungry raccoon with nothing left in the house, you need to act fast and call an animal control expert for help.
Is It Wrong To Kill Raccoons For Stealing My Cat’s Food?
The simple answer is “no,” but you will have to ask yourself why this raccoon has decided to become so bold as to start stealing from you.
It would help if you took whatever necessary measures to stop the raccoon from returning. This may include professional removal, home remedies for repelling or scaring them away, and even lethal action if the raccoon does not stop stealing your cat’s food.
If you are at all uncomfortable with the idea of killing a raccoon, there are other tactics that you can use. For instance, you can make your property less appealing to raccoons by sealing off areas where they might want to live or removing their food source.
By taking these steps to keep the animals away, you can then focus on making your home less appealing for raccoons in the first place.
Raccoons are opportunistic feeders that will do what it takes to survive, so it’s up to you to make sure that you can protect yourself from any dangerous animals that may intrude upon your property. If you have a cat or live near a raccoon and someone’s pet, it is best to handle the situation yourself.
You should also contact animal control when dealing with aggressive animals who are threatening your safety or that of your family. If others noticed the raccoon’s action, they would be less likely to steal other foodstuffs at that time. Raccoons can adapt quickly, and sometimes even before one of these changes has been implemented, they will be back in to steal more cat food.
Call a professional if you are having problems with raccoons or other animals on your property.

Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.
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