Homemade Salmon Cat Food Recipe

Creating homemade cat food can be a rewarding experience, ensuring your feline friend gets the best nutrition possible.

Today, I’m sharing a special salmon cat food recipe that is delicious and packed with essential nutrients.

This recipe is designed to be simple, healthy, and loved by cats.

Let’s dive into the details and start cooking!

Why Give Your Cat Salmon?

Giving your cat salmon is a great choice. It is rich in protein, which helps with muscle development.

Salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids that support healthy skin and a shiny coat.

The nutrients in salmon can boost your cat’s immune system. It also provides essential vitamins and minerals. Most cats love the taste, making it a great treat.

Always cook the salmon thoroughly to avoid any health risks. Please consult your vet to ensure it fits your cat’s diet.

Why You’ll Need Salmon Cat Food Recipe?

It’s so easy to make and will save you money! You’ll love this recipe because it only takes 5 minutes to whip up, contains no artificial ingredients or preservatives, and your cats will be happy with the taste of real fish.

This one is for all my fellow cat lovers looking for an alternative to store-bought pet food that is free of nasty chemicals!

Give this one a try today!

How To Make Salmon Cat Food Recipe?

Recipe Details

  • Time: 30 minutes
  • Course: Main Course
  • Cuisine: Pet Food
  • Yield: 6 servings

Equipment Needed

  • Non-stick skillet
  • Mixing bowls
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Knife and cutting board
  • Steamer or pot for vegetables
  • Fork or potato masher
  • Airtight container for storage


  • 1 pound fresh salmon (boneless and skinless)
  • 1/2 cup carrots, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup peas, steamed and mashed
  • 1/2 cup cooked rice, cooled
  • 1 large egg, hard-boiled and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Cat-safe vitamins and minerals (as recommended by your vet)
Salmon Cat Food Recipe
Salmon Cat Food Recipe

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Prepare the Ingredients

· First, gather all your ingredients. Rinse the salmon under cold water and pat it dry.

· Chop the carrots finely and steam them until tender. Steam the peas and mash them well.

· Cook the rice according to the package instructions and let it cool. Hard boil the egg, peel it, and chop it into small pieces

2. Cook the Salmon

· Heat the olive oil in a non-stick skillet over medium heat.

· Add the salmon and cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side until it’s fully cooked and flakes easily with a fork.

· Once cooked, let the salmon cool slightly before handling.

3. Mix All Ingredients

· Combine the cooked salmon, chopped carrots, mashed peas, cooked rice, and chopped egg in a large mixing bowl.

· Mix thoroughly to ensure all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

4. Add Supplements

Add the recommended vitamins and minerals to the mixture. Mix well to incorporate the supplements throughout the food.

5. Serve and Store

· Serve the salmon cat food at room temperature. Start with small portions to see how your cat likes it.

· Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. For longer storage, you can freeze portions for up to three months.

Nutritious Fact(per Serving) Of Salmon Cat Food Recipe

  • Calories: 120
  • Protein: 15g
  • Fat: 6g
  • Carbohydrates: 4g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Vitamins and Minerals: As per the supplements added

Also Read: Salmon Canned Cat Food Review

Serving Suggestions

I recommend serving this salmon cat food fresh and at room temperature.

Mix it with warm water to enhance the aroma and make it more appealing to your cat.

Always monitor your cat while eating to ensure they enjoy the meal and do not have any adverse reactions

Tips and Variations

➣Transition Slowly: If your cat is new to homemade food, gradually introduce it to their current food to avoid digestive issues.

Customize Veggies: Feel free to substitute the carrots and peas with other cat-safe vegetables like spinach or zucchini.

Use Fresh Ingredients: Always use fresh, high-quality ingredients to ensure your cat gets the best nutrition.

Consult Your Vet: Before making significant changes to your cat’s diet, consult your veterinarian to ensure it meets their nutritional needs.

Health Benefits Of Salmon Cat Food

✔ High Protein: Salmon is an excellent source of protein, which is crucial for your cat’s muscle development and overall health.

✔ Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Salmon provides essential omega-3 fatty acids that support healthy skin and a shiny coat.

✔ Vitamins and Minerals: The added supplements ensure your cat receives a balanced diet with all necessary vitamins and minerals. It also provides essential nutrients like vitamins B12 and D, selenium, and niacin.

✔ Digestive Health: The fiber from the vegetables aids in healthy digestion.

How Much Salmon Cat Food Should I Feed My Cat?

When figuring out how much salmon cat food to feed your cat, always start by checking the guidelines on the food package. These are based on your cat’s weight.

For an average adult cat, this usually means about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of dry food per meal, or if using wet food, about a can per day divided into two meals.

However, these amounts can vary. Factors like your cat’s activity level, age, and health play a role.

As a general rule of thumb, adult cats usually require around 24 to 35 calories per pound of body weight per day.

However, this can vary depending on your cat’s age, activity level, metabolism, and overall health.

If your cat seems hungry or is gaining too much weight, you might need to adjust the portion size.

I always recommend discussing your cat’s diet with your vet, especially if you’re seeing weight changes or unsure about the feeding amount. They can give you tailored advice that helps.

Is Salmon A Good Protein For Cats?

Yes, salmon is a good protein for cats.

It’s rich in essential amino acids crucial for muscle maintenance and overall health. It also provides omega-3 fatty acids, which can help improve skin and coat health.

Additionally, many cats enjoy the taste of salmon, making it a useful ingredient in meals to entice pickier eaters.

How Much Salmon Can A Cat Eat Per Day??

The salmon a cat can eat daily depends on whether it’s eaten as a treat or as part of its diet.

If salmon is being used as a treat, it should not exceed 10% of a cat’s daily caloric intake.

Most cats can eat a few small pieces of salmon, equivalent to about a tablespoon or two.

If salmon is included in your cat’s commercial cat food, follow the feeding guidelines on the package to ensure they’re getting a balanced diet.

This typically involves adjusting portions to meet your cat’s specific calorie needs based on weight and activity level.


Making homemade cat food can be rewarding to ensure your feline friend receives high-quality, nutritious meals.

This Salmon Cat Food Recipe is simple to prepare and packed with essential nutrients to keep your cat healthy and happy.

Always remember to consult your vet and monitor your cat’s health regularly.

Following this recipe provides your cat with a delicious and wholesome meal that caters to its dietary needs. Enjoy the joy of cooking for your pet and the satisfaction of knowing exactly what goes into its food.


Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.

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