How To Train Cats Ring Bell For Food? 5 Best Tips

Cats ring bell for food and meow for attention, dogs wagtails and lick faces. Do you have a cat that constantly asks for food? You’re not alone.

Many cats learn how to ring bells to let their owners know they’re hungry. This can be cute but also frustrating if your cat is constantly asking for food and you’re trying to diet.

Cats who beg for food may end up being overfed, which can lead to obesity and other health problems. So if your cat is learning how to ring the bell, start training them otherwise.

cats ring bell for food
cats ring bell for food

You can also try to keep your cat’s food hidden so they can’t see it. This will help them learn that they need to ask for food instead of just getting it whenever they want.

Be sure to give them plenty of toys and attention, too, so they don’t beg for food out of boredom.

Can Cats Ring A Bell?

Cats ring the bell if they’d like to get food. Some cats can even learn to shake your hand instead of just ringing the bell.

Can I Teach My Cat To Ring A Bell For Me?

This isn’t easy training, but it might be worth it in the end. First, you’ll have to show your cat how to ring the bell and then teach them that this means they will get food. 

For example, you can first show your cat how to ring the bell by drawing their attention towards it and then giving them a treat. Keep doing this until your cat rings the bell whenever they see it. 

Teaching my cats to ring a bell

Then start moving the target further away from your cat until they have to jump up to ring the bell. As soon as your cat rings the bell, please give them a treat.

If your cat is already ringing the bell for food, you’ll need to start by weaning them off this habit. Start by hiding the food and only giving it to them when they ask for it. 

If they start ringing the bell again, don’t give them any food. This might be hard, but it’s essential to break the habit.

How Do I Teach My Cats Ring Bell For Food When It Wants Food?

The best way to teach this is by showing them how to ring the bell and then giving them a treat. Keep doing this until they get used to ringing the bell for food.

If your cat already knows how to do this, you’ll have to start over again. Eventually, your cat will get the message that they’ll have to ring the bell if they want food.

What Means Ring A Bell?

Ring a bell means that your cat would like food. If you want to train your cat not to beg for food, you need to start by hiding the food and only giving it to them when they ask for it.

How To Train A Cat To Ring A Bell? 5 Tips

It’s not as hard as you might think, but it will take some time and patience. Cats are creatures of habit, so if you start training them when they are young, they will likely pick up the behavior more easily.

Here are the Best 5 tips to help get started.

1. Start by teaching your cat to ring a bell close to their food dish. When they ring the bell, you will want to give them a treat. Do this until your cat is consistently ringing the bell for a treat.

2. Once your cat has mastered ringing the bell for a treat, start moving the ball further away from their food dish. They will have to jump up to ring the bell, and as soon as they do, you will want to give them a treat.

3. If your cat is already ringing the bell for food, you will need to start by weaning them off this habit. Start by hiding the food and only giving it to them when they ask for it. If they start ringing the bell again, don’t give them any food.

4. Once your cat consistently rings the bell for a treat, you can start to phase out the treats and only give them food once they ring the bell.

5. Finally, make sure to praise your cat when they ring the bell correctly. This will let them know that this is good behavior to do. If your cat does not get it right away, do not give up on them!

It can take some time for cats to learn how to ring a bell, but with patience and lots of treats, your cat will soon be ringing the bell every time they want food.

Can Cats Ring Bells To Get Us To Come Outside?

Yes, some cats learn to ring bells to get their human companions to come outside. This is usually done as a way of getting attention or playing.

If you have a cat that does this, make sure to give them plenty of toys and attention, and also make sure to take them outside for regular playtime.

Ringing a bell to get someone to come outside is usually just a game for cats, and they don’t expect to get food.

Should Cats Wear Bells?

There is a lot of controversy about whether or not cats should wear bells on their collars. Some veterinarians recommend against this because it can be tangled in bushes if they are outside. Others say that it’s ok as long as you are cautious with your cat while wearing one.

It would help if you never left your cat outside alone while wearing a bell because it could lead to them getting lost. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to put a bell on your cat is up to you.

If you do decide to use a bell, make sure to keep an eye on your cat at all times when they are outside.

How Do I Know If My Cat Is Ringing The Bell For Food Or Attention?

If your cat is consistently ringing the bell, they are likely doing it for food. If they are only ringing the bell sometimes, they may be doing it for attention. Please pay close attention to your cat and see what they are doing when ringing the bell.

If My Cat Is Outside, Should I Get Them A Bell?

It may be safer not to have your cat wear a bell if outside alone. You don’t want them to get caught on anything or tangled up.

However, having them wear a bell while inside can help teach them to do it right. You can reward them with food or playtime when they ring the bell correctly.

Now that you understand how to train your cat to ring a bell for food, you can start putting these tips into practice. With some patience and lots of treats, your cat will be ringing that bell-like a pro in no time!

The Bottom Line

Cats are well-known for their curiosity and love of chasing things. The cats in the video below take this trait to a whole new level as they ring a bell with their paw, waiting patiently until it rings back, signaling that food is on its way. It’s hard not to be charmed by these clever kitties!

If you want more information about how your cat could learn some tricks like this one, let me know in the comments below!


Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.

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