How To Make Healthy Cat Food At Home: 5 Easy Homemade Recipes At Home

How to make healthy cat food at home? If you have a cat and want to ensure they are eating the healthiest homemade food possible, this blog post is for you!

This blog will go through how to make healthy cat food at home. It will discuss what ingredients to look for in store-bought foods and which ones should be avoided.

It will also discuss why your pet must eat their homemade food instead of one made by a company.

If you’re not convinced yet, I’ll give some examples of how making your nutritious pet food can help them live longer and healthier lives while saving money too! Let’s get started with learning how to make healthy cat food at home!

What You Need to Know Before You Make Cat Food at Home

Watching your pet’s health and ensuring they get healthy, nutritious food is very important. Not only will it help them stay alive for longer, but it can also help prevent certain diseases and illnesses from developing and even slow down aging.

How To Make Healthy Cat Food At Home
How To Make Healthy Cat Food At Home

The best way to ensure that your cat gets this healthy homemade food is to buy all the ingredients from the store and make it yourself. There are a few things to consider when you make your pet’s food though

In general, cats need:


Coming from animal sources or derived products such as eggs and milk. Vegetable protein is also okay for cats, but be careful with soy-based products because some cats may be allergic to it, plus too much soy in your cat’s diet can reduce the protein absorption rate.  


usually from plant sources such as pumpkin or squash. Cats are obligate carnivores which means that they get their energy requirements directly from protein and fat instead of carbohydrates.

This is because they cannot produce enough of the enzyme amylase, which is required to digest carbohydrates properly.

However, cats can still benefit from some carbohydrate sources in their diet because they are good for digestion and absorption.


Also, it is an energy source for your cat, but fats are also necessary to maintain healthy skin and coat, absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), and brain development.

Omega 3 and omega 6: are essential fatty acids for cats because the body cannot produce them. They’re necessary for brain function and can help prevent arthritis and certain skin conditions.


It is very important because cats lose water through urine and feces, so they need good hydration to prevent dehydration-related diseases and illnesses. The amount of water a cat should drink a day will vary depending on their size, activity levels, and the kind of food that they eat.

Your cat needs some other nutrients to live, but these are the basic ones you need to make sure they get through their diet.

What Ingredients Should Be Avoided When Making Cat Food at Home?

To make homemade cat food, you’ll need to get ingredients from the store for them to eat. However, there are a lot of ingredients that shouldn’t be used in a cat’s diet because they can cause illness and diseases over time.

Here is a list of ingredients that your cat should not eat

1. Carrageenan gum: This is a thickening agent found in store-bought food, and it’s an inflammatory agent, which means it can cause digestive problems over time, especially if consumed every day

2. Fish, tuna, and salmon: There are some reports that fish can contain small amounts of arsenic and mercury, accumulating in your cat’s body over time. Also, if your cat eats a lot of fish daily, it could develop vitamin E deficiency (because there is more vitamin E in some types of fish than others).

3. Chicken: The most common food allergy for cats is chicken. If your pet is allergic to it, you’ll know because they will start developing skin problems and sores which can become dangerous if left untreated

4. Legumes: Beans are also common food allergies for cats, so it’s best to avoid them

5. Dairy products: This one could be a little tricky because cats can eat cheese and yogurt, but they need to be in very small amounts, or it could cause digestive problems

6. Onions: Onions contain sulfur which will cause anemia in your cat if they consume too much of it

7. Garlic: Garlic contains very similar properties to onion, so you should avoid feeding your pet this ingredient as well

8. Grapes, raisins, and currants: These are toxic to cats, so they need to be avoided at all costs

9. Xylitol: This is a sugar substitute often found in chewing gum that can cause liver damage if consumed by your pet

10. Salt: Just like humans, too much salt in your cat’s diet can cause problems. Also, cats that eat salty foods often will end up drinking more water which can cause urinary problems

11. Tomatoes: These are acidic fruits, and they don’t contain important nutrients for the health of your pet, so it’s best to avoid them

12. Alcohol: People often give their pets small amounts of wine, but alcohol is very dangerous for cats, especially in large quantities. They will become intoxicated very quickly because they don’t have that enzyme that breaks down alcohol in their bodies. Also, if you ever find your cat eating ants, they are probably getting the sugar from the formic acid found in the insects that come from fermented fruit, so avoid this kind of food.

Step to Prepare How To Make Healthy Cat Food At Home

The first thing you need to do is get all the ingredients from the store to start cooking.


  • Turkey or chicken gizzards
  • Beef liver
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Pumpkin puree
  • Brown rice
  • Canned tuna in a can
  • Tomato juice (from a can)
  • Flaxseed oil or olive oil drops from a bottle

Store-bought cat food that the Association has approved of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). To be considered complete and balanced, the food must also have been approved by your local veterinarian.

Make Healthy Cat Food At Home
Make Healthy Cat Food At Home

It’s best to avoid products with artificial preservatives and colors, but they are okay in small amounts (for example, a little bit of red or yellow dye won’t be bad for your cat).

Here is a complete list of dry and wet foods that meet the nutritional requirements of your cat. Of course, you should only give them these products in the portion that AAFCO has determined. You can also get other foods specifically for cats if they require it for health reasons.


1. Prepare the rice according to package instructions. If there aren’t any, boil some water and add the rice until it’s cooked. When it’s done, drain the excess water and leave the rice to cool off

2. Cut the pieces of turkey or chicken gizzards into smaller chunks. Please put them in a pan and cover them with water, then boil for 10 minutes

3. Now, add half a teaspoon of salt and cook until the meat is completely soft (it should take about 20 minutes)

4. Cut the beef liver into smaller pieces and fry it in a pan with some olive oil until it’s cooked thoroughly. When it’s done, drain the excess fat and leave the liver to cool off

5. Next, you’ll need to prepare the canned tuna so you can mix it with all the other ingredients. Open the can, separate the tuna chunks with a fork, and then put them into your food processor.

6. Peel the carrots and cut them into smaller pieces, just like before. Then, cook in water for about 15 minutes until they’re soft

7. Drain the carrots from all their excess water when they are done cooking and add them to the food processor together with the tuna

8. Add half a cup of canned pumpkin puree to the mixture you’ve been preparing for several minutes now. You can also use fresh pumpkin if you’d prefer, but make sure it’s stable enough to be blended into a creamy paste

9. Add about two cups of brown rice and two teaspoons of flaxseed oil to the food processor as well. Don’t forget about the cooked gizzards and liver now

10. Add a cup of tomato juice to the mixture you’ve been preparing for a couple of minutes now. You can use fresh or canned tomatoes but make sure they are blended into a creamy paste first

11. If you find the mixture is too runny, then add some more brown rice

12. After all of these ingredients are just right. You can take everything out of the food processor and transfer it to a ceramic bowl

13. Sprinkle some store-bought cat food over the top as an extra protein because your cat might have trouble digesting all the ingredients

14. If you want, you can mix some more flaxseed oil with water and pour it over the food, but this is optional, so if you don’t do it, it won’t be a problem

15. You can store this mixture in the freezer and take it out whenever you’d like to feed your cat.

When you’re ready, just let it sit for a few minutes to reach room temperature, then give it to your cat.

Special Note

1. 1 serving = 1 cup of food

2. Give them a little bit of wet food each day to get them used to this new type of diet. If they refuse, take it away and try again later

3. Add a little bit of extra water to the dry food to soften it up and make it easier for your cat to eat

4. Cut out all unhealthy foods from your cat’s diet. Make them stick to a high-quality diet with a low amount of carbs and proteins, in the ratio, you can see in the picture above

5. Give them some time to adjust because it might take a while for their body to get used to this new meal plan

6. Get rid of all other sources of food, including people’s food

7. Wash their water bowl every day because cats are really sensitive to bacteria in their drinking water

8. Get rid of all other pets because the cat might feel territorial and try to attack them when they get hold of a tasty morsel

9. Keep your cat inside so that no other predators can get at it from outside

10. Keep your cat’s weight at a healthy level because it is extremely hard to lose weight after cats get used to being overweight

11. If you have other pets, keep them away from the food dish as much as possible so that they don’t steal any of their food

12. Make sure there are no dogs, big or small, nearby so that your cat doesn’t get attacked

13. If you have an outdoor cat, then make sure it is wearing a bell around its neck or on its collar at all times because this will let you know where it is at all times

14. Always keep the food dish full and never let them go hungry for too long because this might make them sad, hungry or both

15. Never leave any leftovers from your cat’s meals on the floor near their food bowl no matter how many times it asks you for ” more !”

16. If they beg for food too much, ignore them because begging is just their way of telling you that they love you and want to spend time with you.

17. If they start getting aggressive over their food, then ignore them because that’s just part of the process of training your cat not to be a bully

18. Once your cat gets used to eating this new diet, everything will turn out fine and dandy

19. Don’t get scared if they get a bit more moody than usual since their new diet might be changing their behavior a little bit

20. pat them on the head and tell them you love them because even though they probably can’t understand what you’re saying, at least you gave them some attention!

Also read: Best 5 Homemade Cat Food Recipes for Senior Cats

Best 5 Homemade Cat food Recipe At Home

1. Protein-packed Cat Food Recipe for your Cat


  • Liver,
  • Chicken
  • Breast,
  • Egg Whites,
  • Sardines packed in water.


1. Cook the chicken and liver in a pan until fully cooked. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

2. Once cool, chop up the chicken and chop up or grind the liver before adding it to your other ingredients.

3. Cook egg whites in boiling water for 10-15 minutes (or until grey), then peel off shells if needed before adding other ingredients.

4. Open up the sardines and remove the fillets, cutting them into smaller pieces before mixing them all.

5. If you like, add in some cottage cheese or plain yogurt (avoiding any containing fruit).

6. You can either feed this food raw or lightly poach it. Always serve at room temperature. Feed 2-3 times a day to your cat.

7. This recipe will make enough for about 4 days worth of food so you can store it in the fridge or freezer before cooking each time.

2. Tuna Jerky Treats Recipe For Your Cat


  • Tuna packed in water,
  • Organ meats.


You will need to buy a dehydrator or use your oven on its lowest setting to make the jerky. You will also need some non-stick baking sheet trays if using the oven, set to around 65C for between 4 and 8 hours, checking it every 2-3 hours to ensure that they’re not overcooking.

Once fully dehydrated, cut the jerky into small pieces, which you can then store in airtight containers or freezer bags until needed! This food keeps well so you can use any extras within 3 months.

You should also grill or fry the organ meats and then coarsely grate them before mixing them into your other ingredients.

3. Sardine Cat Food Recipe for Your Cat


  • Sardines packed in olive oil,
  • Eggs (hard-boiled),
  • Organ meats (chopped).


1.  Boil the eggs for 10-15 minutes.

2.  Grate up the organ meats and mix them with your sardines and other ingredients.

3.  Add in some raw, chopped veggies such as broccoli or spinach (avoid spinach if you’re feeding a pregnant or lactating cat).

4.  You can either serve as it is or lightly cook before serving.

5.  Top up with some cottage cheese or plain yogurt (avoid fruit-flavored varieties).

This recipe makes about 4 days worth of food, so you can store it in the fridge or freezer before using it each time.

4. Chicken and Rice Cat Food Recipe For Your Cat


  • Organ meats,
  • Rice (cooked),  
  • Eggs (hard-boiled).


1. Boil the eggs for 10-15 minutes and then peel off shells before crushing or chopping them into small pieces.

2. Add to other ingredients and mix well together. You can either feed this food raw or lightly poach it before serving.

5. Turkey Liver Cat Food Recipe For Your Cat


  • Organ meats (grated),
  • Turkey (cooked and chopped),
  • Rice (cooked).


1. Chop the turkey into small pieces before adding to other ingredients and mixing well.

2. Top up with cottage cheese or plain yogurt (avoiding any containing fruit) before serving!

This recipe makes enough for about 2-3 days worth of food so you can store it in the fridge or freezer until needed.

The Benefits of Giving Homemade Food to Cats

There are many benefits to feeding your homemade cat meals.

1. Firstly, the diets you find in pet stores and supermarkets may not be right for your cat. They might be lacking vital nutrients or contain ingredients that could cause health problems later down the line. This is why it’s important to consider changing from commercial food to a natural diet made at home.

2. Homemade food is also much cheaper than canned or packeted cat foods. If you buy the ingredients in bulk, it can be as little as $8 per month for an average-sized cat – which by comparison to canned food, works out to be about 95% cheaper!

3. You control what goes into your homemade cat food. This means no more added sugar, salt, garlic or onion powder, artificial preservatives, or coloring agents! These are all ingredients that you might find in some commercial foods but are unnecessary and cause health problems. You know what’s best for your cat, so feel free to include only the most nutritionally beneficial components in your homemade food.

4. It helps you bond with your cat. This is because if the food preparation process becomes a daily routine, there’s more time for meaningful interaction between owner and pet.

5. Making homemade cat food is also a great way to ensure that your pet stays well-nourished in times of emergency or when you’re away from home.

This is because you can store your cat food in the freezer for up to 3 months, meaning that there’s always a healthy, natural meal ready and waiting for your pet.

How to Make Homemade Cat Food Taste Better?

If you don’t feel like cooking or your cat seems disinterested in homemade food, you can do a few things to make it more appealing.

The first option is to add a small amount of organic chicken broth into the mix. This enhances both the flavor and aroma of the dish, which will entice pickier eaters to eat it.

Another option is to add a spoonful of organic plain yogurt or cottage cheese into your cat’s bowl. This can make the food seem creamier and more appealing, especially if you only include it in small amounts.

  • Also, consider mixing in some cooked fish with the dish; omega 3 fatty acids promote healthy coat and skin, which may help entice picky cats to eat it.
  • You can also add some cooked ground turkey, beef, or chicken into the food
  • This is especially useful if you want to introduce your cat to a new type of diet.
  • All else fails; you can always puree the meat in a blender or mixer before cooking. This will make the food easier to eat and softer, allowing cats who have tooth problems to enjoy it.

What’s the best way to store homemade cat food?

  • You should always store your cat food in an airtight container which you then place into a freezer bag or similar package
  • Do not leave uncovered dishes of food for long periods. Since cats are extremely sensitive to the smell and taste of food, they will quickly lose their appetite if the dish is not fresh
  • Keep in mind that cooked meat can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days.
  • The storage time for raw meat is much shorter, and it should always be kept inside the fridge before cooking.
  • As a general rule, it’s best to follow the storage guidelines provided by your specific recipe. Although most homemade cat food can be kept in the freezer for up to 3 months, you should always check with the manufacturer if unsure.

Is homemade food better for cats?

Yes, homemade food is better for cats because it contains no artificial ingredients. As mentioned before, these can lead to chronic health problems that are often irreversible.

Another benefit of homemade cat food is that owners have complete control over what goes into the mix. This means that there’s no risk of contaminants or disease-causing bacteria entering the mix – especially in countries where regulations are not very strict.

Finally, homemade food is much cheaper to produce than commercially-available cat foods. This allows pet owners to save money on their grocery bills while still providing a healthy, nutritious diet for their feline friends.

Can cats live on homemade food?

Yes, cats can live on homemade food. However, this type of diet requires pet owners to make significant changes to their lifestyle and the overall feeding process.

Many cat owners will not be willing to provide home-cooked meals for their pets because it is more time-consuming than commercially-available foods.

Another reason why many people don’t provide home-cooked food is that it tastes different from processed foods.

This will be more difficult for most cats to adjust to as they are very sensitive about their food’s taste and smell.

Cats used to commercial cat food may lose their appetite or become less active if they are given home-cooked meals only. This is why most vets do not recommend a homemade diet for cats.

Is it healthier to make your own cat food?

Yes, making your own cat food is healthier because you can control the ingredients and how the food is prepared.

Many commercially-available pet foods contain preservatives or additives that can cause health problems for your cat down the line.

For example, dogs and cats may develop kidney disease if they consume too much salt. Since most commercial pet foods are high in salt, this can lead to long-term health problems even if your pet seems healthy now.

Homemade food is better for cats because it contains no preservatives or additives. This allows you to ensure that your pet is receiving the best possible mix of nutrients every time you feed them.


Although homemade cat food may be good for your pet’s overall health, it is not an optimal choice for everyone. Providing commercial cat food is more convenient and allows owners to provide the necessary nutrients without preparing their meals quickly.

I hope this post helped you learn how to make healthy cat food at home. You can save money by making your own, plus it’s much healthier for the animal. If you have any questions about my process or want more information, please let me know in the comment section below!


What kind of homemade food is good for cats?

You can make food out of rice, meat, fish, chicken, and veggies.

Is there any recipe that is really healthy for my cat?

Yes! There are a lot of recipes you can try out. You will need to search the internet, and it wouldn’t be difficult to find one. You will have to remember that the recipe you choose should have all the essential nutrients needed for your pet.

Is homemade food better for cats?

Yes, homemade cat food is much better than commercial food.  You can try a little and see if your cat would like it. If your pet doesn’t like it or you see that they are not eating well, you can discard the meal and then feed them the commercial pet food they usually eat.

How do you make healthy cat food?

First, you would need to find a good recipe that is healthy enough for your pet. Once you’ve found one, cook the ingredients following the instructions in the recipe.

What are good foods that cats can eat?

Cat food can be made out of many different things, such as chicken and fish. However, it is better to go for meats like turkey or beef instead of chicken. These meats are healthier and contain more protein than chicken.

What is the healthiest thing to feed a cat?

The healthiest thing to feed a cat is a whole chicken. It contains many nutrients, and its bones are good for their teeth and gums.

Why do cats not like commercial food?

There are two reasons why cats don’t like commercial food. The first reason is that they do not contain the nutrients that your pet needs to be healthy. The second reason is that they taste so bad! Commercial food is also loaded with carbs which means your pet will easily get fat.

Is it cheaper to make your own cat food?

Yes! Homemade cat food is cheaper because you will be using the whole chicken instead of the pieces sold in pet stores. There are also plenty of other ingredients that you can use to make a meal which will greatly reduce your expenses.

How do I know if my cat is eating healthy?

If your pet is eating healthy, they would have shiny fur and teeth, clean bowel movements, and more energy to play with.


Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.

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