Dr Marty Cat Food Recipes: Best 3 Recipes

Dr Marty Cat Food Recipes summarizes how to prepare your favorite feline food that will surely satisfy any of their taste buds.

There are many different cat food recipes, but Dr. Marty published a popular blog post about his favorite ones.

He includes links to the recipes and recipe cards for each one and suggestions for how to make them.

Dr Marty Cat Food Recipes
Dr Marty Cat Food Recipes

His favorite is the Green Giant Casserole which includes egg, green beans, corn, butter, onion, milk, cheddar cheese, salt, and pepper.

If you are looking for a way to make your healthy cat food, you have come to the right place. Here are the top 3 recipes from Dr. Marty Cat Food recipes that you can make yourself at home.

Best 3 Dr Marty Cat Food Recipes

Recipe 1. Chili Cat Food

Dr. Marty’s Chili Cat Food recipe is one of the easiest ones to make. Chili has great protein, and it also provides additional vitamins that are important for your cat’s health. The recipe is simple, and you will only need chicken, tomatoes, onions, and chili powder.


  • ½ lb chicken breast
  • 1 can of diced tomatoes
  • 1 small white onion
  • Chili powder to taste


1. Chop onion and diced tomatoes.

2. Boil all of the ingredients together for about 45 minutes on low heat

3. Pour the mixture into the blender and blend until smooth

4. Put the puree into a plastic bag and freeze until firm

5. Scoop out the puree, freeze again and use a cat treat mold to make bite-sized treats

6. Enjoy!

Recipe 2. Green Giant Casserole Cat Food Recipe

There are two ways to make Dr. Marty’s Green Giant Casserole:

1. You can bake the casserole ingredients in the oven for about 45 minutes at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and scoop out a treat for your cat every day.

2. You can freeze the casserole and mold it into bite-sized treats to feed your cat only when you want to give them a treat.


  • Green Beans (cooked)
  • Yellow corn
  • Brown rice (cooked)
  • Butter (room temperature)
  • ½ large onion, chopped
  • ½ cup of milk, warmed
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 tbsp. Dry cat food supplement to make dry food when feeding the dry cat food supplement.
  • Salt and pepper to taste


1. Chop the onion, green beans, and yellow corn into small pieces.

2. Fry onion and corn in butter for about thirty minutes on low heat.

3. Simmer green beans until soft and add brown rice and cooking wine. Stir well.

4. Pour the mixture into the blender and blend until smooth

5. Put the puree into a plastic bag and freeze until firm

6. Scoop out the puree, freeze again and use a cat treat mold to make bite-sized treats

7. Enjoy!

First try on Raw cat food (Dr. Marty’s nature feast)

Recipe 3. Chicken and Liver Treats Cat Food Recipe

Again, there are two ways to make Dr. Marty’s Chicken and Liver Treats:

1. You can bake the mixture in a casserole dish at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for about 1 hour until it is firm, and scoop out a treat for your cat every day.

2. You can freeze the mixture and mold it into bite-sized treats to feed your cat only when you want to give them a treat.


  • ½ cup of dry cat food supplement to make dry food when feeding the cat dry cat food supplement.
  • 2 chicken breasts, cut into cubes
  • 2 tbsp. liver spread
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 tbsp. Dry cat food supplement to make dry food when feeding the dry cat food supplement. Salt and pepper to taste


1. Put chicken breast and liver spread in a medium bowl and lightly mix them using a fork until they are well combined

2. Pour the mixture into the blender and blend until smooth

3. Put the puree into a plastic bag and freeze until firm

4. Scoop out the puree, freeze again and use a cat treat mold to make bite-sized treats

5. Enjoy!

These are Dr. Marty’s favorite cat food recipes, but one of the most famous dietary books in history was written by Dr. Richard Mackarness. He published The promotion of health with particular reference to diet in 1917. The book covers diets for people and cats and is believed to have inspired the ideas of cat food recipes.

Is Dr Marty Cat Food Legitimate?

Dr. Marty’s cat food recipes are a very reputable source. Dr. Marty is a veterinary homeopath who used an animal diet to cure various illnesses and diseases in his animal clients.

He began writing about the topic of cat food recipes after realizing that many of his patients began to lose their appetites soon after they started taking drugs for illnesses. This made it very difficult for him and his patients.

Dr. Marty’s cat food recipes are considered the best and most effective because he had a large variety of ingredients that he used to make cat food cool and countless patients that he followed through with their diet plans. Many people have had success with his cat food recipes and continue to do so today.

Dr Marty Precious Cat Unscented Ultra Clumping Cat Litter


How Much Does Dr Marty’s Cat Food Cost?

Dr. Marty cat food recipes vary depending on the recipe. Some are more expensive than others, but it is not overly expensive overall.

In a blog post about his cat’s food recipes, Dr. Marty suggests that they cost anywhere from $5-$30 per pound, depending on the recipe. This means that most of his recipes cost less than $10 per pound, which is reasonable.

Does Dr Marty Cat Food Work?

Dr. Marty’s cat food recipes are effective and proven to work for people and cats alike. Many people have tried using his cat food recipes and claim that they were successful in helping them lose weight, gain muscle mass, recover from illness, and provide energy for their daily activities.

How Long Does Dr Marty’s Cat Food Last?

Dr. Marty’s cat food recipes last anywhere from 3-6 months. His shelf life is the same as the shelf life of most other cat food types, but the real question that many people ask is about whether it can be frozen.

The answer to this question is no. Dr. Marty’s cat food recipes cannot be frozen, and it does not come with a good storage idea either, so you will have to consume the recipe quickly when you get it to maximize its potency and shelf life.

What Cat Food Does Dr Marty Goldstein Recommend?

Dr Marty’s cat food recipes are staples for people and cats alike. He suggests that these recipes be used to keep your cat fit, trim and healthy.

He suggests that his cat food recipes be fed to your cat only after it has had a complete physical exam by a veterinarian.

This is because he believes that all of the cat food supplements in his recipes are natural and harmless for your pet, but if given wrong amounts or foods, they may cause adverse reactions in your cat.

Final Thought

Dr. Marty’s cat food recipes are truly the “cat’s meow”! But they are also a great idea to feed your pet when they need to lose weight, improve their diets, or if they become ill in any way. Dr. Marty gives his patients the best diets and caring options by offering them a list of cat food recipes that they can use to feel better both physically and mentally.

He has tried one of his own recipes and his cat’s diets and has found that natural supplements can provide all the nutrients and energy your cat needs to be healthy, fit, and happy.

Dr Marty Goldstein was a noted veterinary homeopath who wrote about natural pet care. He had many insights into the diet of cats, especially in how it affected their general health.


Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.

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