Bengal Cat Food Recipe || 5 Amazing Health Benefits

Bengal Cat Food Recipe is a great resource if you want to provide your Bengal cat with a tasty, nutritious meal.

This recipe provides an easy-to-follow guide with various recipes for your specific cat’s needs. These include recipes for food for kittens, transition cats, adults, seniors, and special diets.

The key ingredients in all these recipes are high-quality cat food and good-quality ingredients that build strong bones, healthy skin, and vibrant energy.

Also features information on nutrition, dietary supplements, and improving overall health by taking a holistic approach to pet care.

I have tested all these recipes to be sure they are delicious, healthy, and easy to make.

How to make Bengal Cat Food Recipe?

Store-bought cat food is often full of preservatives, additives, and other ingredients you probably don’t want your cat to eat.

The Bengal Cat Food Recipe comes with a guide on how to make cat food regularly at home.

There are also many recipes that you can use as a base to experiment with.

Here is one of the best Bengal cat food recipes.

Bengal Cat Food Recipe
Bengal Cat Food Recipe

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

Yield: 8 servings

Ingredients for Bengal Cat Food Recipe:

  • Fresh Beef: 100g
  • Fresh Chicken Livers: 300g
  • Fresh Chicken hearts: 300g
  • Fresh Chicken Breast and Tenderloin
  • Water: As required
  • Egg Yolk: 4
  • Chicken Breast Soft Bone
  • Supplements
  • Fish oil
  • Vitamins (Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin E, Eggshell Calcium, Thrive)
  • Salmon Oil
  • Salt (If Using)

Instructions for Bengal Cat Food Recipe:

1. Start by soaking the meats in the fridge overnight (or at least 2 hours).

2. Next morning, heat your oven to 350 F. Place all the cut-up meat on a cookie sheet and bake them for 15-20 minutes.

3. While they are baking, mix all your ingredients, except the egg yolk and salmon oil, in a bowl.

4. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolk and add the salt if needed. Set aside.

5. When the meat is done, let it cool and finely chop it.

Simple Raw Cat Food Recipe

6. Mix the ingredients with the egg yolk, salmon oil, and warm water in a large bowl.

7. Put the meat in after you have mixed everything well.

8. Let it sit for 30 minutes to let any excess water evaporate.

9. Mix everything again with a spoon and put the bowl in the fridge for a few hours or overnight to set.

10. Serve and enjoy!


Gelatin is good for helping cats digest their food better. Adding it reduces vomiting and makes your cat’s stools firmer.  However, the recipe doesn’t have to work.

If you have the time, it is a great idea to freeze the food in portions. This will make your Bengal cat happy because it won’t be “starving” throughout the day.

Nutrition Facts of Bengal Cat Food Recipe


Nutrition Facts for Bengal Cat Food Recipe are based on the average protein content of 39%. The recipe yields 8 servings, and each serving has 493 calories, 33g of protein, 48g of fat, and 3 grams of carbohydrates, which amounts to a calorie count per serving.  This recipe provides your Bengal cat with complete nutrition.

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Bengal Cat Food Recipe

1. The recipe is packed with protein, vitamins, and other essential nutrients for your Bengal cat’s overall health. Bengal Cat Food Recipe also ensures that your cat gets all the important minerals needed to grow up healthy and strong.

2. There is a significant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in the recipe, which will help improve your cat’s skin and coat health and reduce any chances of allergies.

3. Essential amino acids help improve digestion and dissolve toxins in the system.

4. The meat provides ample amounts of natural vitamins, which helps your Bengal cat grow healthy and beautiful.

5. The recipe is a great way to add more flavor to your cat’s diet. Most commercial cat food uses artificial flavors, which may harm your pet’s health.

What’s the best food to feed Bengal cats?

Here are some of the best commercial cat food recipes that you can buy:

I recommend you feed your Bengal cat with a homemade recipe such as this, but you can also buy commercial food if you are unsure how to make it.

There are tons of commercial cat foods in every grocery’s pet section. You may also check the Pet food rating for more information about the most popular cat food brands.

Here you will find links and ratings of Amazon’s best foods.

Best Cat Food For Bengal Cats

What mix makes a Bengal cat?

In the Bengal cat food recipe, you will find a variety of meats that you can mix in any proportions you want.

The options are quite large. Your cat may not need any supplements and can get all its nutrition from this recipe.

However, if other cats are in your house, it’s a good idea to provide them with some other foods.

What should you not feed a Bengal cat?

It’s always best to feed your cat with homemade food. However, you may be unable to do so for one reason.

If you are wondering what not to feed your Bengal cat, here is a quick guide:

Never give your cat any cooked or moist canned food – it will spoil their teeth and stomach

Never give your cat any chocolate food – this can cause diarrhea and even death.

Never give your Bengal cat any meat cooked with chicken broth or vegetables – this will cause the meat to turn into an acidic stew and cause diarrhea.

Never feed your Bengal cat anything that has been cooked in human food, like sausage or bologna – this will make it very difficult for your cat to eat.

What raw food can I feed my Bengal?

The fact that the recipe is made with beef, chicken, and beef liver is enough to make it one of the best raw cat food you can buy for your Bengal.

If you wish to feed your Bengal a raw diet, please visit Raw Food for Cats. There are tons of recipes for them, and they have a lot of information about why you should feed your cat with raw food.


The Bengal Cat food recipe is very simple and yields amazing results.  It’s nutritious and inexpensive, so you should use it to get the best Bengal cat food.

As I mentioned before, any commercial cat food is better than no commercial cat food. This recipe and feeding your Bengal provides them with the best possible nutrition.

I hope you will enjoy the recipe and that it works well.

Feel free to share your opinions, suggestions, and questions in the comments below. I will be glad to answer all of your messages.

Now over to you – are you going to give this recipe a try?

Let us know in the comment section below how it went for you!

Want more recipes for your cat? Then check out these Homemade Cat Food To Gain Weight.


Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.