This blog post will provide you with some raw food recipes for Bengal cats. You’ll find a few healthy and delicious recipes in this post, so please stay tuned!
Bengal cats are a beautiful and exotic breed of cat that is popular among those who love felines. They’re known for their playful nature, intelligence, and striking appearance.
Bengal cats thrive on raw food recipes as they have a sensitive digestive system, and it’s important to be careful what you feed them!
In this blog post, I will share some delicious raw cat food recipes that can provide your Bengals with the nutrients they need without compromising their health.
Table of Contents
Bengal Cat Food Recipes
Always ensure that you use the freshest ingredients in your recipes. Your cat requires a diet rich in protein but low in fat and carbohydrates.
Here are some raw food recipes for Bengal cats that will have them purring with pleasure!
1) Turkey necks
These are great to give your cat to get used to raw meat for the first time. These necks contain little fat and a lot of protein, and your Bengal will love chewing on them!
2) Chicken wings
These are tasty, low in fat, and high in protein, which makes these the perfect food for your Bengal cat. They’re also great to give to older Bengals who have lost some of their teeth.
3) Chicken livers
High in vitamins, these are one of your Bengal cat’s favorite treats – they’re also great to help with their coat!
4) Goat meat
Goat meat is low in fat and contains lots of protein, making it a great addition to any Bengal cat’s diet.
5) Turkey hearts
Cheap and easy to source, turkey hearts are a great choice for your Bengal cat. They’re high in protein but low in fat, which makes them the perfect food for Bengals!
6) Catfish
These fish are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, which will help to keep your Bengal’s coat healthy and shiny! This is an absolute favorite with Bengals!
7) Cottage cheese
These curds are high in protein and calcium, which can help with your Bengal’s dental health. You might find that their fur becomes softer too!
8) Raw eggs (with shell)
Eggs are a wonderful source of nutrients, including amino acids and fatty acids, as well as vitamins such as A, D, and E. These will provide your Bengal cat with everything they need for a healthy diet!
9) Rabbit
Rabbits are very low in fat because most of their weight comes from muscle. This makes them great for Bengals to enjoy!
10) Beef heart
Beef hearts are high in protein, making them the perfect treat for Bengal cats (especially kittens) who need to put on some weight. They also contain many amino acids and fatty acids that will help your Bengal coat become shiny and healthy!
Also Read: Hyperthyroid Cat Food Recipe
How to Make Raw food recipes for Bengal cats?
There are many ways to make raw food recipes for your Bengal cats. You can either purchase fresh meat from the supermarket. Or you can carefully remove the skin and bones of a cooked chicken/turkey (do not use any fish).
Please be very careful when making raw cat food recipes that contain any raw meat, because not only can your cat become very sick from it, you could be putting yourself at risk of serious infection as well!
Recipe 1 – Chicken And Turkey
- 8 oz. of fresh meat (chicken or turkey)
- 1/8 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 cup water
- 2-3 tbsp plain yogurt
- A few drops of hot sauce
1. Cut the meat into small cubes.
2. Add the meat to a blender with the apple cider vinegar and water,
3. Then blend on high for about 10 seconds. Pour out any excess liquid that the meat has not absorbed.
4. Add 2 tbsp. Of plain yogurt and several drops of hot sauce to the mixture and blend again for another 10-15 seconds.
You can serve this as a meal (it will be like a stew-like consistency), or you can shape the meat into small bite-sized balls and then freeze them.
If freezing, make sure they are separated by wax paper, so they don’t stick together when frozen! You want to store these in an airtight container in the freezer for up to three months.
Recipe 2 – Beef and Lamb
- 8 oz. of fresh meat (beef or lamb)
- 2-3 tbsp plain yogurt
- A few drops of hot sauce
Follow the same instructions as above, using beef or lamb instead of chicken/turkey.
Recipe 3 – Beef And Sardines
- 1 can of sardines (or 1 lb. fresh)
- 8 oz. beef, cubed
- 3 tbsp plain yogurt
- A few drops of hot sauce
Follow the instructions above using beef and sardines instead of chicken/turkey.
Recipe 4 – Cottage Cheese and Mackerel Recipe
- 4 oz. (or more) cottage cheese
- 1 can mackerel Filtered water
1. Drain the liquid from cottage cheese and mackerel and place them in a blender with just enough filtered water to blend into a thick paste.
2. Feed your Bengal cat the cottage cheese and mackerel mixture as a meal or shape into small bite-sized balls and freeze as outlined above.
Recipe 5 – Tuna Casserole
- 3 lbs. of tuna (no water added)
- 1/2 cup organic plain yogurt
- 1 ripe banana, mashed
1. Add all ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend on high for 10-15 seconds.
2. You can serve this as a meal or shape the mixture into small bite-sized balls and then freeze them, separated by wax paper. If stored in the freezer, put them in an airtight container and store them for up to 3 months. This will become a tasty “corsage” that your Bengal cat will love!
Recipe 6 – Beef Casserole
- 1 lb. of beef (all lean)
- 1/2 cup organic plain yogurt
1. Cut the meat into small cubes. Add them to a blender with the plain yogurt and blend on high for 10-15 seconds.
2. Pour out any excess liquid that the meat has not absorbed.
3. Shape into small bite-sized balls and freeze, separated by wax paper. Once frozen, please put them in an airtight container to store for up to three months.
Note: If you have a Bengal cat who prefers more variety in their diet, change the flavor of the “casserole” by substituting any of these ingredients for some or all of the tuna, turkey, or beef.
Ingredients are available online on Amazon at very reasonable rates!
Bengal cats are truly amazing animals that are both beautiful and playful. The best thing you can do for your Bengal cat is to keep them healthy and happy! Doing so will require a well-balanced diet that consists of both raw meat and commercial foods.
By following this guidance, your beautiful Bengal cat will be closer to living the life they deserve! If you have any questions or concerns about making this diet change, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Please keep in mind that it is important to be very careful when making raw cat food recipes, because not only can your pet become very sick from them, you could also become seriously ill yourself!
What Human Food Can Bengal Cats Eat?
Bengal cats are domestic cat breeds that hold several distinctions. One of them is that they should not be fed human food. If this rule is broken, it can result in health problems for both the Bengal cat and its owner.
Why Shouldn’t Bengal Cats Eat People Food?
The risk involved with feeding a Bengal cat anything other than cat food is that they are so intelligent and so easily bored.
This can result in eating things like plastic packaging, paper products, non-food items, or even another animal’s feces. The easiest way to avoid this problem altogether is by feeding these cat breeds commercial foods designed for cats.
This rule does not just apply to people’s food. Dogs, small animals like hamsters or gerbils, and birds should not be fed to a Bengal cat.
What Human Food Can I Feed My Bengal Cat?
If your Bengal cat is eating only commercial foods and treats and you would still like to give them something different, there are some foods that they can eat without getting sick.
These are some of the foods that Bengal cats can eat:
Cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and fish (Not raw meat) cooked eggs (cooked until firm) brown rice cooked pumpkin baked sweet potato broccoli asparagus carrots cucumbers bananas oranges pears apples peaches nectarines plums pineapples grapes cantaloupe strawberries applesauce cooked squash spinach mayonnaise yogurt vanilla ice cream
Can I Feed My Bengal Cat Treats?
Yes. You can, but be aware that some common household items should not be given to your cat as a treat. People’s food that they shouldn’t eat includes garlic, onions, chocolate, and raisins.
Do Bengal Cats Need Raw Food?
The answer to this question is no. If you give your Bengal cat commercial foods, they will not need any raw food at all. It would help if you did some research on the best commercial foods for Bengal cats before purchasing.
How Often Should I Feed My Bengal Cat?
A healthy adult Bengal cat can be fed twice per day. It is not uncommon for them to eat all of their food in one meal and then wait up to ten or more hours before they want another helping.
As long as the cat is over two months old, this pattern should be normal. If your kitten does not take a full meal, you can safely leave it out, and they will probably get to it as they get hungry.
What Raw Foods Are Safe For Cats?
Cats are very sensitive animals. They are also carnivores, which means they can only eat meat-based foods. When choosing raw food for your Bengal cat, you should always start with coarsely chopped meats that have had the bones removed.
The following are some of the raw food options that are safe for cats:
Chicken Turkey Beef or Lamb Duck or Goose Fish
(Not raw fish) Cooked Shellfish (Remove the shell before feeding)
The most important thing to remember is that you should always thoroughly cook these meats first. This will kill any parasites, bacteria, or viruses that they might contain.
Are There Risks With Feeding Bengal Cats Raw Meat?
There are several risks associated with feeding raw meat to any cat. The most obvious is that the cat might get sick because it was not cooked long enough.
They could also eat something that they shouldn’t have, which can lead to other problems or concerns for their owner.
The Bottom Line
Cats are carnivores, but they can tolerate some vegetables. Bengal cats need to eat raw food high in protein and fat content because of their special digestive system.
When you’re cooking for your furry friend, it’s important to remember these dietary needs! Use the ideas we’ve provided here as a guideline, or contact us with any questions about what foods will work best for your cat. We want them to be healthy and happy, so don’t forget this post when planning out their meals today!

Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.
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