How To Keep Dog And Cat Food Separate: Best 10 Ways

How to keep dog and cat food separate? Dogs and cats are both carnivores, but that doesn’t mean their diets have to be the same. It’s important to keep dog and cat food separate to avoid digestive problems in your pet.

Dogs can digest carbohydrates better than cats, so they can eat a diet that includes grains and other plant-based ingredients.

On the other hand, Cats cannot break down complex carbohydrates and need a mostly protein-based diet.

How To Keep Dog And Cat Food Separate
How To Keep Dog And Cat Food Separate

A dog’s diet should also include plenty of freshwaters, while cats only need to drink water if they’re not getting enough moisture from their food.

It’s also important to keep in mind that dogs and cats have different caloric needs. Dogs require more calories than cats, so you’ll need to feed your dog a diet that is higher in calories.

This doesn’t mean you can’t give your cat some of the high-quality dog food you’re giving your puppy –feed them separately to be safe.

How To Keep Dog And Cat Food Separate? 10 Ways

Here are 10 ways How to keep dog and cat food separate

1. Plastic containers

Use airtight plastic containers, such as the 50-pound containers from Walmart to store your pet’s food. This will keep the food fresh and prevent pests from getting into it.

2. Plastic baggies

Use a sharpie to write the type of food on each baggie. Use different colored Sharpies to further differentiate between cat and dog foods.

3. Room divider

If you have multiple pets, you can partition off part of your house for one pet’s food with a free-standing room divider or a low bookshelf. This will keep the pet food areas separate and help you quickly identify which pet’s food is kept where.

4. Racks

Racks for dog and cat foods can be purchased at major retailers such as Walmart or Target and online from Wayfair or other retail sites. In addition to keeping the dog and cat food separate, these racks will help store the amount of pet food you need.

You can also choose to buy multiple racks or use something else, such as an object with shelf space.

5. Use different types of containers

Instead of buying all your pet foods in bags, save money by storing them in airtight containers. This will not only keep the pet food fresh but will also help you quickly identify which type of pet food is in each container.

6. Labeling

Label the containers with a sharpie to indicate what kind of pet food is inside, or use different colored Sharpies to differentiate between dog and cat foods.

7. Color coding

If you have multiple cats and dogs, you can use colored tape to color code the areas where the cat and dog foods are stored. This will help you quickly identify which pet’s food is kept where.

8. Food rotation

Label each container with the date that the food was opened. Once a month, rotate the oldest food to the front of the container and the newest food to the back. This will help keep your pet’s food fresh and prevent spoilage.

9. Food bins

Another option for keeping dog and cat foods separate is to store them in different food bins. This way, you can easily identify which type of pet food is in each bin.

You can also store the food in a pantry or use an existing cabinet.

10. Use pet door

If you have a cat and a dog, you can install a pet door in your home with one area for the cat’s food and another for the dog’s food. This will help keep them separate while still allowing your pets to eat their food.

Why Keeping Dog And Cat Food Separate?

If you’re like most pet owners, you have both a dog and a cat. And if you’re like most pet owners, you probably keep your dog’s food in one place and your cat’s food in another.

But why? Why can’t they share the same food? Here are three reasons why keeping dog and cat food separate is a good idea.

1. Dogs And Cats Have Different Nutritional Requirements

Dogs are omnivores, so that they can eat both meat and plants. Cats are carnivores, which means their diet must consist of meat – usually from animals like mice, birds, or fish.

Why Keeping Dog And Cat Food Separate
Why Keeping Dog And Cat Food Separate

There are a few things in plants that cats cannot digest properly, such as taurine. This means that if you give your dog cat food, he may not get the right nutrients he needs.

2. Dogs Are Prone To Gastrointestinal Problems

Dogs are more likely than cats to get sick from eating something they’re not supposed to. This is because their stomachs are not as acidic as cats’ stomachs. So if your dog eats cat food, he may not digest it properly.

3. Cats Can Become Malnourished From Dog Food

If you give your cat dog food to eat, the taurine and other nutrients in that food might not be enough. This means that your kitty could end up with heart problems, blindness, or even hair loss.

So, as you can see, it’s a good idea to keep dog and cat food separate. Dogs have different nutritional needs than cats, and they’re more likely to get sick if they eat something not meant for them. Cats can also become malnourished if they eat dog food, so it’s important to ensure they’re getting the right nutrients.

If you have any questions about what type of food your pet should eat, be sure to ask your veterinarian. They can help you ensure your pet is getting the right diet for their individual needs.

Will Cat Food Hurt A Dog?

No, cat food will not hurt a dog. However, it is important to keep in mind that dogs and cats have different dietary needs, and feeding your dog cat food could result in nutritional deficiencies.

In addition, some ingredients in cat food can be harmful to dogs, such as onion powder. It is always best to consult with your veterinarian to determine what food is best for your pet.

Will Dog Food Hurt A Cat?

Yes, dog food can hurt a cat. Dogs and cats have different dietary needs, and feeding your cat dog food could result in nutritional deficiencies.

In addition, some ingredients in dog food can be harmful to cats, such as onion powder. It is always best to consult with your veterinarian to determine what food is best for your pet.

The Bottom Line

You can buy heavy-duty bags and containers to keep the food separate. If you don’t want to purchase these items, other ways work just as well.

For example, you could use a plastic bin with compartments in it for each type of food or place one on top of another, so they stay separated in your pantry cabinet.

If possible, the best way would be to store them in different rooms, but this may not be an option for everyone when living space is limited. However, you decide to deal with the dog and cat food dilemma – we hope our tips helped!


Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.

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