Homemade cat food for urinary problems Owning a cat is a real responsibility, which includes managing their health. Cats are prone to urinary problems, and making your own homemade cat food can help prevent it. Unlike dogs, who drink about two to three liters of water daily, cats only need one liter.
They are also picky eaters and don’t like drinking from the tap, so changing their diet is the best way to ensure their health. Honey and cinnamon are proven to promote health. The best source of honey is Manuka Honey, a type of honey produced in New Zealand from the nectar of the flowers of the manuka bush.
This type of honey does not store well, so buying from a health or pet store is highly recommended. It also has a sweet taste that cats much enjoy. You can also add yogurt and cottage cheese as your cat’s medicine bowl food to help prevent urinary problems.
If you find your cat is suffering from the inability to urinate, her urinary tract might have an infection. The best thing to do is take your cat to a vet, but if you’re afraid of what will happen to your pet’s health, try out these helpful tips on making homemade cat food for urinary problems.
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How to make homemade cat food for urinary problems?
1. Honey: Mix one cup of honey with two tablespoons of water to make easy, homemade cat food for urinary problems. Combine the honey and water into a blender and mix until the mixture is smooth and well-blended. You have to strain it if there are any lumps in it.
2. Cinnamon: Mix 1/4 cup of cinnamon powder with one gallon of water, then add the mixture to your cat’s food bowl.
3. Yogurt and cottage cheese: One cup of low-fat yogurt is enough for one meal, but if you want to feed your cat more yogurt and cottage cheese, mix it with half a cup of water. If the mixture turns out too thin, you have to add more cheese because they thicken up the mixture.
4. You can add parsley and peppermint to your cat’s food bowl.
5. Finally, mix the yogurt and cottage cheese with half a cup of water and a box of baking soda to make homemade cat food for urinary problems.
If you have time, make homemade cat food for urinary problems by making your own food in advance to give it time to settle or warm it up for 10 minutes before feeding your pet.
Best 3 Homemade cat food for urinary crystals
Homemade cat food for urinary crystals: The problem of crystals in urine is common among female cats. This condition is also called Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) and is caused by the formation of crystals in the bladder of cats.
Ways to prevent such problems are:
1. Preventing obesity and weight control;

2. Supplying drinking water to cats well-supplied with minerals. Cats need free access to fresh water every day. However, do not put water bowls in places where the cat usually sleeps because if you do so, it will slow down the cleaning process.
3. Feeding diet that has increased fiber content. This is done by adding a few tablespoons of fiber to the diet of cats which helps reduce the number of crystals in their urine.
How to make homemade cat food for urinary crystals?
1. Fruits and vegetables:
3 cups of fresh fruits and vegetables as your cat’s food daily to reduce the formation of crystals in their urine.
2. Sources of fiber:
1/3 cup of ground barley added to the cat’s food every day can help reduce the amount of crystals in their urine.
3. Vitamin B complex:
Also known as Vitamineral, this vitamin is beneficial for cats with urinary problems such as FLUTD because it reduces blood clotting, which can help contribute to the formation of bladder stones.
4. Humus:
The high amount of calcium in humus can help to form crystals, so add one cup of humus to your cat’s diet.
5. Avoid stress:
Stress and anxiety are harmful to cats’ urinary health, so reduce the number of stress in your cat’s life. If you already have a cat with urinary problems, try not to get another immediately. After a while, check your cat’s urine for crystal formation and change the diet accordingly again.
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Homemade cat food for bladder stones
The problem of bladder stones cannot be ignored, and your vet should be consulted as soon as possible to provide treatment and prevent complications. There are many ways to prevent this condition, such as changing your cat’s diet, but if your pet has already been diagnosed with this condition, there are also some foods you can eat to help get rid of the stones.
How to make homemade cat food for bladder stones?
1. Parsley:
One cup of fresh parsley will give a lot of vitamins to your cat, and the acidic nature of parsley can help dissolve the stones. Mix one cup of parsley with one cup of water into a blender until it becomes a smooth mixture. Then, pour it into your cat’s food bowl every day.
2. Carrot:
This is one of the most recommended vegetables for cats to dissolve bladder stones, especially when mixed with pumpkin or orange juice, as cats prefer their taste better.
3. Apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar can help dissolve excess calcium that prevents the urine from being thoroughly reabsorbed into the body and prevent the formation of bladder stones.
4. Dandelion root:
Dandelion has a diuretic effect and helps reduce the acid in cats’ urine. One cup of dandelion can be used to make cat food daily, along with one cup of carrot or orange juice.
Best homemade cat food for urinary tract health
Homemade cat food for urinary tract health One of the reasons why we feed our cats foods rich in minerals is because it can help prevent urinary tract diseases such as cystitis, urethral obstruction, and even cancer. If you want to prevent these conditions, here are some foods that you can feed your cat so they will benefit from the goodness of natural ingredients:
1. Wheatgrass: Wheatgrass is rich in vitamins and minerals, which will help your cat get rid of all kinds of urinary issues.
2. Alfalfa and kelp: These are both considered good essential amino acid sources, so provide these to your cats daily in their food.
3. Carrot, cabbage, and parsley: You can feed one cup of carrot to your cat every day, along with one cup of parsley or cabbage. You can also add a bit of ground barley to these food ingredients to make it easier for your cat to eat.
4. Nuts and seeds: 2 tablespoons of almonds and other nuts in the supermarket will help your cat get rid of urinary tract health problems by giving them the nutrients they need, such as vitamin E and zinc omega-3 fatty acids.
IAMS PROACTIVE HEALTH Adult Urinary Tract Healthy Dry Cat Food
Best homemade cat food for UTI
1. Beets: Cook beets with spinach and honey, then 1 or 2 tablespoons of this mixture will be enough to feed your cat.
2. Water and watercress: Cats tend not to drink a lot, so it is best to provide water and watercress in their diet every day. Watercress is also rich in vitamins A and C and can help reduce the acidity of cats’ urine.
3. Carrots and cabbage: Feed a cup of carrots to your cat every day, along with 1/2 cup of cabbage or parsley, as they are rich in fibers that can help stop the growth of bacteria in cats’ urine.
Homemade cat food for diarrhea
Cats do not produce enough stomach acid to ensure the digestive process destroys the harmful bacteria in their intestine. When your cat has diarrhea, it is because of a bacterial infection, so it is best to treat them with homemade cat food for diarrhea with ingredients such as parsley, carrot, or asparagus.
These vegetables have a natural bactericidal effect because they are rich in minerals and vitamins and can make your cat’s digestive system constantly active through their effect on the bladder.
Homemade cat treats for urinary health
Your cat loves their food, but do you know what other foods they also enjoy? That’s right, and cat treats for urinary health as cats love to eat them as snacks because of their taste. Here are some homemade cat treats for urinary health that you can make at home:
1. Milk powder:
A 5-6 day old kitten can drink a cup of milk powder every day to help them with their urinary health.
2. Pumpkin:
Pumpkin is an amazing natural home remedy for cats with bladder infections. It has a lot of fiber, which can help relieve the pressure and inflammation of their bladder and reduce their pain so they can have a more comfortable life.
3. Birdseed:
Feed your cat a small amount of birdseed to ensure they have enough nutrients in their diet and eliminate the bladder stones.
4. Broccoli and yogurt:
Broccoli is an amazing ingredient that can be used to improve the health of cats’ urinary tract. Boil it, then mix it with yogurt. Chew it up and feed your cat every day for one week, then do the same thing again for another week to ensure that the ingredients have time to act like natural antibiotics.
Other Urinary Health Treats
Ingredients & Directions
You’ll need parsley, dried cranberries, chili powder, and garlic powder. This recipe’s dried cranberries and chili powder help fight bacteria that grow in your pet’s urinary tract. You’ll also need some water to make the cat treats for urinary health.
Add the dried cranberries, chili powder, and garlic to a bowl. Then, pour some water on top of it with a wooden spoon. Then, mix everything very well to make a good mixture that can be fed as snacks or cat treats for urinary health to your cat.
Best 3 Cat food recipes for urinary tract health
Here are the Best 3 Cat Food Recipe for Urinary Tract Health:
1. Chicken and vegetables:
This chicken and vegetable cat food recipe is a mixture of cooked chicken and vegetables, which can help cats with urinary health because it contains a lot of water. It can also help prevent bladder stones due to the minerals in it.
2. Meat and vegetables:
Add vegetables to cat food, like carrots and celery, to feed cats with bladder stones.
3. Rice and meat:
The main thing to remember when this recipe is to get it into the oven for about 20 minutes.
Homemade cat food for urinary tract health recipes from around the world.
Here are some more examples of healthy homemade cat food for urinary tract health recipes from around the world:
1. Turkey, pumpkin, and squash: This is one of the best homemade cat food for urinary tract health recipes.
2. Cranberry: The cranberry and pumpkin combination in this homemade cat food recipe is a natural antibiotic that will help your cat fight off infections in their urinary tract.
3. Chicken, meatballs, and herbs: You can use to improve your cats’ urinary health: parsley, coriander, and thyme.
4. Chicken, sweet potato, and ginger are just some examples of healthy homemade cat food for urinary tract health recipes from around the world.
5. Fish and vegetables: Add some vegetables to cat food for urinary health, like carrots or celery.
6. Chicken and rice: This recipe is a bit more flavorful than the one above because it uses chicken as its main ingredient, instead of just fish or meatballs.
Final Thoughts
This article is full of homemade cat food recipes for urinary tract health. One last thing that I would like to tell you is that eating too much will not help you at all with your cat’s urinary health. If your cat has a urinary tract infection, try adding these foods to their diet and see how they do with it because it can be a good start for their health.
Getting the urinary tract health of your cat is not difficult at all, but it’s important to do it right. If you want to feed your cat with homemade cat food for urinary health, there are so many options that you can find on the internet.
What to feed cats with urinary problems?
The simple answer is that you’ve got to keep their urinary tract and bladder completely clean. You must always provide your cat with fresh water and food. Change the water and food dishes regularly so your cat can have good and clean water.
On the other hand, you need to clean your cat’s urine and feces immediately when they urinate or defecate in places that are not clean and proper. All these tips will help you to keep your cat’s urinary tract healthy.
What ingredient in cat food causes urinary crystals?
Calcium is an important ingredient in cat food. It helps to maintain the health of the cat’s bones and teeth. But, it’s also an element that can cause your cat to develop crystals in their urinary tract.
I have already said that you need to feed your cat with homemade food for cats with urinary crystals. By doing so, you can avoid those unwanted crystals from forming inside your beloved pet’s body.
Is chicken broth good for cats with urinary problems?
Chicken broth is one of the best homemade cat food recipes for urinary tract health. Well, not only this; it’s also a good recipe for cats with bladder stones.
Actually, the chicken broth contains the ingredient called alfalfa that can fight bacteria that are responsible for the formation of bladder stones. So, using chicken broth instead of plain water can help you feed your cat with homemade cat food for urinary tract health.
Is Tuna good for cats with urinary problems?
Researchers have found that cats can get many health benefits when they eat tuna. It also helps to improve their age-related vision issues and strengthens their immune system. So, in this article, tuna is one of the best homemade cat food recipes for urinary tract health.
But, remember that you need to feed your cat with the drained tuna after removing the skin because if you don’t do it properly, your cat may get some toxic elements from it.

Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.