Cats Gagging At Food: Best 7 Causes Cats Gagging at Food

I’m so glad you found my blog post! I want to share with you why Cats Gagging At Food. Cat gagging at food is usually a sign that the food is not fresh. 

If your cat is gagging at her food, try to feed her fresh food instead of dry food. You can also mix a small amount of water into her food to make it more palatable.

If your cat continues to gag at her food, it may be a sign of a more serious problem. Consult with your veterinarian to rule out any medical causes for the gagging.

Some cats may gag at their food because they are not used to eating wet food. If this is the case, you can slowly transition your cat to wet food by mixing a small amount of wet food with her dry food.

Why Does My Cat Keep Gagging?

Cats do not always know when to stop eating. If your cat gags at her food, it can sometimes be because she eats too much too quickly.

Cat Gagging At Food
Cats Gagging At Food

Some cats may gag when they feel full but continue to eat because the food is in front of them. This can cause a reverse sneeze or a choking reaction from the cat.

If your cat keeps gagging at her food, it may be because of an underlying health condition. Illnesses like kidney disease can make it difficult for the cat to swallow properly, resulting in more frequent bouts of gagging.

When you first start feeding your wet cat food, she may gag periodically as her body adjusts to eating the new food. This is normal and should only last for a few days.

If your cat has been gagging at her food for an extended period, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health conditions.

Why Is My Cats Gagging At Food?

The most common reason for a cat to gag at her food is not fresh. Try feeding your fresh cat food instead of dry food or mixing a small amount of water into her food to make it more palatable.

Some cats may gag at their food because they are not used to eating wet food. You can slowly transition your cat to wet food by mixing a small amount of wet food with her dry food.

If you have tried other options and your cat is still gagging at her food, your cat may have an underlying health condition. Illnesses like kidney disease can make it difficult for the cat to swallow properly.

If your cat continues to gag at her food, consult with your veterinarian immediately to rule out any medical causes for the gagging.

Best 7 Causes Cats Gagging at Food

Here are the best 7 causes of cat gagging at food:

1. Eating too Fast

One of the most common causes of frequent gagging in cats is eating too fast. A cat’s instinct is to eat her food quickly and without chewing, especially when she fears another animal might try to steal her meal. This results in lots of gagging, regurgitation, and coughing when your cat eats too quickly.

2. Illness

Many conditions can affect your cat’s ability to swallow properly, resulting in more frequent bouts of gagging.

Kidney disease is one of the most common causes of frequent gagging in cats because the kidneys cannot filter out all the excess fluid in the body.

As a result, your cat will drink lots of water and experience increased urination. This can also affect your cat’s digestive system by causing her to regurgitate.

Cats Gag At Food

Any condition that makes it difficult for the cat to swallow properly should be first ruled out as a cause for gagging before looking at other potential causes.

3. Gagging from Fullness

A cat will sometimes gag when she is full but continues to eat because the food is in front of her. In most cases, this is just a normal response and will stop once the cat has eaten enough.

4. Transitioning to Wet Food

If your cat has been exclusively eating dry food for a long time, her body may not be used to digesting wet food. In this case, your cat may gag at her food for a few days until she adjusts to the new texture and flavor of wet food.

5. Switching Food Brands

When you first start feeding your cat a different type of food, she may gag periodically as her body adjusts to eating the new food. You can prevent this by gradually transitioning your cat to the new food over 7-10 days.

6. Dirty Food Dish

If your cat is eating from a dirty food dish, she may gag at her food as a way of telling you that the dish needs to be cleaned. A dirty food dish can also cause your cat to develop gastrointestinal problems.

7. Food Allergies

If your cat is gagging at her food, she may have a food allergy. Food allergies are caused by a reaction to a specific ingredient in the food.

If your cat has a food allergy, you will need to find a food that does not contain the allergen. Consult with your veterinarian to determine if your cat has a food allergy.

If you have tried all of the above solutions and your cat is still gagging at her food, consult with your veterinarian immediately to rule out any underlying medical causes.

Your veterinarian will perform diagnostic tests to determine if there is an underlying illness causing the gagging. Once the cause of the gagging is known, you should find a solution that works for both you and your cat.

What To Do If Your Cat’s Gagging?

1. If your cat’s gagging is caused by one of the above reasons, there are usually easy solutions that you can try.

2. If your cat is gagging from eating too fast, you can try to slow her down by putting her food in a small bowl or feeding her smaller meals more often throughout the day.

3. If your cat is gagging due to illness, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to get her checked out.

4. If your cat is gagging because she is full but continues to eat, try not to feed her until she is really hungry.

5. If your cat is transitioning from dry food to wet food, you can help the process by adding a little water to the wet food.

6. Make sure your cat’s food dish is clean, so she does not have to eat from a dirty dish. If you are using a self-feeder, be sure to wash it out every day.

7. If your cat is gagging because of allergies, try switching her food over gradually to a food that does not contain the allergen.

8. If you have tried all of the above solutions and your cat is still gagging at her food, consult with your veterinarian immediately to rule out any underlying medical causes.

Why Is My Cat Gagging When I Offer Him His Wet Food?

If you are feeding your wet cat food, it is possible that he may not like the texture of the food. The best way to overcome this problem is by mixing a small amount of water into his food.

How Often Do Cats Gag At Food?

Cats usually do not gag very often; however, if they are gagging more than usual, it may be a sign that they are not getting the right type of food or that the food is not fresh. Consult with your veterinarian if your cat is gagging more than usual.

When To Take Your Cat To The Vet For Gagging?

If your cat is gagging at her food and you have tried all of the above solutions, it is best to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical causes.

Cats Gagging at food can signify many different things, so it is best to get it checked out by a professional.

The Bottom Line

Cats are fascinating creatures who make us laugh every day. Did you know that they gag when presented with food? It’s not uncommon for cats to spit out the offending item, but it does seem like something worth mentioning.

If your cat is showing this behavior around their food or water bowl, take them in to see a veterinarian as soon as possible! There could be an underlying medical issue causing the reaction (and if there isn’t one, then at least they’ll get looked after).


Hi there! My name is Koushik; I am a cat lover. I specialize in writing about pet care & food. I have a wealth of knowledge on cat food niches and related subjects. I have worked in the pet industry for over 5 years and am passionate about helping cat owners provide the best care for their furry friends. With knowledge of cat food and nutrition, I aim to share their insights and help cat owners navigate the world of cat food niches. I enjoy playing with my two cats, reading, and exploring new cat food brands in my free time.

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